The project consists in using Blockchain technology to innovate and solve problems
linked to the current system of traditional academic certification.
An example is the counterfeit of academic certificates by changing grades or other elements inside them.
Our product guarantees the authenticity of the certificates creating a future that makes it
easier for music institutions to check and verify the information and certifications submitted by students during admission processes or by professionals.
Institutions interested in making their student certificates immutable and not
counterfeitable, will simply have to send the certificates to us (for example Masters or Bachelor
Diplomas, but also any other certifications) that will be Crypograhped by our developers who will make them immutable thanks to blockchain technology.
Lastly to confirm the certification the institutions will simply have to apply their own “hash/digital signature” (cryptographic code, unique to every per institution) which will make the certificate ultimately valid.
The student will also receive a copy of the Blockchain certificate which he/she will be able to link to the original one whenever needed.
The platform, available to institutions that aren’t part of the project, will offer the opportunity to verify the validity of a specific certificate simply by “drag and drop-ing” of the document on the platform.
Institutions will be able to verify certifications in a few seconds to check whether documents submitted by potential students or participants for a competition are valid or not.